CITE – Tax credit for energy transition

Today the CITE helps owners invest in their primary residences so as to improve its interior comfort and give the residence some environmentally friendly value. Initially known as the CIDD, credit d’impôt développement durable, it was meant to expire the 31st of August 2014. The CITE has since been extended until the end of 2017. Its value is 30% of contracted work and has a limit of 8,000 Euros for someone who is single and 16,000 Euros for a couple, with an increased limit of 400 Euros per dependant. As such a couple with two children spending 16,800 Euros would get a tax credit of 5,040 Euros.

Since the 1st of Januray 2015 the company or professionals carrying out the work must be certified as RGE Reconnu Garant de l’environnement. The cap is over 5 consecutive years between the 1st of January 2005 and the 31st of December 2017. If you receive aid or subsidies (ANAH, conseil general…) they will be deducted. Materials and equipment used must meet the standards of the programme.

See here the up to date condition (in french) for the CITE for 2017.